Beer Boobs Bacon server admins never disappoint
what is the reason for her speaking russian with a ENGLISH accent? what you people think?
What are most people's thoughts on dlc unlockers?
Recently obtained a M1 Garand and I am aware of the 30-06 issue and the aftermarket part you need. Has anyone tried this? If so how is it? Which ones would anyone here personally recommend?
I am working on a redesign for the in-game hud! This is my first iteration, what do you think?
Modders trying to no include swastikas (100% impossible)
Sometimes i feel like dis
UnmuteF2Ps: An Open Letter to Valve from the TF2 Community
What’s happening at Starbreeze rn
Fraudbreeze when it comes to disappointing the community back-to-back.
Does this mfs even do something?
Armor 2.0 may not be released this month.
Why doesn't Krinkles(or fans) use grunts with faces more often?
Does the tags ‘Jedi Vanguard’ and ‘Mercenary’ feel completely unneeded and consistently conflicting? Just adding unneeded bloat to the tags.
Who is this guy
get out of my way
SBZ if by chance anyone sees this. If this is what you’re planning for the ‘AS VAL’ delay the pack and make a proper one and then put a preset on it if you want too so bad.
Non-customizable presets sucks.
Is BF4 gonna suffer because of BF6?
What is something you want to see, but will likely never happen?
Anybody remember the old Bulldozer/Skulldozer Design for Payday 3?
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