Beach date with gardevoir, what are you 2 doing?
Best *band* starting with letter E?
What is your 'comfort album' and why?
I started collecting a few months ago, and I want to know what others think.
Blursed chika
Blursed Shadow
Blursed "sexy" underwear
Started collecting a little under 2 months ago and may have gone a bit overboard
Blursed bidet
Type "I'm not a big fan of" and let your keyboard finish (gif unrelated)
I haven't tasted some of my favorite foods in four years
"I have no mouth, and I must scream...." (Warning for graphic content)
Custom cybergrind music not appearing
Which Song is This?
[PRICE CHECK] I've grown up, and I'm ready to move on. Any price estimates? Anything rare?
I've grown up and am ready to move on. Any price estimates? Anything rare?
I did a thing
I need to know how an interaction with them would go
Whats a song that makes you feel like this?
where may i reliably purchase the huehuehue for an adequate price
What is the best some of the best Videogame music that you know of?
What rock/metal bands do you recommend?
What's the worst song you've ever heard?