How do i break?
Is battlefield 1 still active on ps4/ps5?
Fish man island remake
The camera mode is so amazing
Would you still buy the game?
Should I read Manga or watch anime
Show me your wallpaper !!
Please, just enjoy the game.
What are your "Issues" about SZ, even if they're not that big a deal
What level are you guys at right now?
All my save data deleted?
[All] Favorite zelda design?
I just finished watching every Ghibli film. Here's my tier list and ranking of them all
What do I name my abra?
[OC]Which Pokémon should I get next?
[ALL] Which game had the best art style?
A Studio Ghibli movie that deserves more recognition??
Which of these Oscar nominated Ghibli movies deserved the win the most?
tell me your favourite villager and i might let you in the club
[All] Favorite Zelda and why?
What’s your least favorite Gen 9 Pokémon?
Whats your favorite new gen 9 Pokémon?
Day 8 : Just straight up evil.
What should I name my two shiny Clefables?