Is “full ghost” a new thing?
Is this something I should try and sell or just get rid of?
Just WASTED my last spooky wing pot on this project
Just bought these for cheap thinking they look like a sun theme look and now I’m going to breed them to every species😆
Rose infected kelps
My triple glows🥰
"Evil laughter"
If 75% cc
How much does a mammoth cybred sell for?
Mammoth cybred for 30k each can lower
I love this! So many ppl have been posting it as game designs and we are finally getting it!
Looking for a commissioner
Kinda proud of myself :3
How long do you usually spend predicting?
Selling a lot of previous event mammoths
If a dev(not exclusive) pastre
How much does a pure white dbl glow ghost kelp go for?
Horses with Wings?
Should i get him?
Question, is there a limit when it comes to mutation slots?
Pls Beware :(
Selling a lot of mammoths
Where do ppl get the things like these? Also can I get a list of every single wing in the game?
Predicted this🔥