Literally couldn't ask for a more broken start (yes I died on Ashpit)
Who could hit me? Of course!
Tainted War (From the Comic Invincible - btw ignore my OC Completion Mark s)
I never have to play Jacob & Esau again :)
Cool game, Motion Twin
best shop item ever, no contest
So happy to finally get what I should have had ~30 days ago. Do your daily challenges!
If the new event triggers on inferno tower you can’t see if its multi or single target
Least fucked up tmtrainer run
Gambling is fun
Behold !
Oh how times change
I'm tired, boss
Today I realised gimpy isn't Isaac's epic Darth Vader cosplay and it's actually something else
Kids of the 2000s: Which video game started your video game career?
Paper Mario 64 is a Masterpiece
Absolutely demolished by isaac hitboxes
[OC] Lil render of celeste herself :D
Did anyone know damociles interacted with diplo like this?
What is this stat?
We should make a bot that says 50/50 when someone asks for the odds
Which non-tainted character is the best and why? (Resprites by u/Rappenem)
Don't Forget to do your Daily Runs Folks
Two boys hwo wants black heart (short cartoon)