Name suggestions?
Please show me y'all's frenchies that make this face
Any of your frog dogs like to hike?
Sometimes my lip gets stuck on my teefs…anyone else?
Here’s Oli’s selfie. Show me yours.
Results - really?
How often do you take your Frenchie(s) on walks?
Share a photo of your pet—I’ll pick five of the most interesting ones to turn into custom leather portraits.
I went there again - she’s alive
Mine is cheetos
Found on dog walk
Game time! Comment a photo of your dog below and I’ll choose one to draw on 26.02!
What breeds do you think my lil peanut is?
What breed is he ?
Artist looking for dog models!
Just completed this custom needle felted pet replica 🐾
Welche deutschen Podcasts hört ihr am meisten?
Let’s see your long(er) snouted buddies!
Welche skills haben die besten Vertriebler/Sales Leute bei euch?
An alle Selbstständigen die über 100.000€ im Jahr verdienen: Was macht ihr?
2 Millionen Cash
Need advice
What’s something that has grown on you that you never imagined would?
Is my frenchie bigger than normal? 16KG/35pounds
Bei welchem Unternehmen würdet ihr euch nicht wundern, wenn sie bald Insolvenz anmelden?