Imagine being a healer trying to keep your alive while being as stealthy as possible, and you got this guy broadcasting your existence to the entire enemy force
What do personality badges even do?
💀 Choose a fear, the first person who comments makes a superpower for you 💀
Here we go again
I don't understand what happened in this scene am I the only one
AITAH For refusing to go to a Funeral
Ok so I just had a thought about an anime I haven’t seen in a while. It was about “trolls” that were mechs from space fighting a samurai that was stuck in his armor
Who got rec MVP?
As a new CCA, would it be tacky to wear this? 😬
Walmart deliveries
Best asmrtist hands down
Idk wtf to do
Just found this in my van today what should i do
You've got it boss 🫡 only 12 hours today!
Friend Found this playing at a Restaurant
Was $300 for a 90 mile drive good?
120 Packages, 1500 DPS, RedPlum, and lots of Catalogues. Management Says I’m Projected to be Under Time by 40 Minutes.
NEWS!!!! Clerks won a 7 Million dollar grievance.
This job is not worth it for 1100-1300 every two weeks.
Do I put out going mail in the slitted box?
Mailman leaves whole bundle of mail next to CBU
Shocked by the amount of people who show up at the plant drunk.
Message from NALC President Brian L. Renfroe (Tone-deaf president)