A few thoughts from a non-trad, 511 MCAT, 3.8X gpa applicant with a T10 acceptance
paying for school
Is Balsam and Firewood gone??
“You’ve caught us in a bad state”
Discouraged about WLs
When to send update?
Interview at my top school next week...how do I shake these nerves
Am I getting screwed by this place?
New Car 😍
Joined the club today - 2024 GTI SE
UCSD Secondary Portal not working?
secondaries :(
No secondaries yet, am I cooked?
Adding schools after AMCAS submission????
App Verification 6/6; Submitted 5/28 - missing 2 LOR
Can’t shake that feeling; submitting AMCAS
Tall guy deciding between Santa Fe and Outback
What are the chances of getting a 515 by next week?
Gestalt Subjective Contours vs Closure? The image in "subject contours" is used as an example of closure in the AAMC materials
Carl Rogers (Personality theory)
510 -> 515 in two weeks? (testing 3/22)
Is it worth to get UPlanet just for P/S (and being two weeks out)?
Is it worth it to get URandom just for P/S? and being two weeks out?
Is it worth it to just get UGanda for P/S? and being two weeks out?
Is it worth to get Upoop just for P/S? (and two weeks out)