My journey in making the perfect CAST Persona continues...
It's been an amazing time playing PSO2 Global, can't wait to see the lovely Ship 4 folks again in NGS!
Goku Without Weighted Clothing
Meet the World's Newest Celebrity Fake Vegan: Bella Ramsey
Fresh pick up
Figures without box
Fake figure?
Justice for Worldbreaker
Dragon Ball Super Volume 24 Cover
Ultraman: Rising figurine is $24 + an additional 10% off on Amazon
THIS IS NOT A DRILL!! Perfect Cell teased by RR Studios
Photos of the deluxe version of Perfect Cell By RR Studios
I was only planning on getting Vegito today, but my parents decided to surprise me with Goku too
add a suit of armour and it's perfect.
38 M - Left my ex and moved in a week ago
Inside every r/malelivingspace subscriber there are two wolves
How can I make my apartment hallway less depressing?
Finally got my own space. 17m
Does anyone have any other headswap ideas for these two?
[Humble Bundle] Humble Heroines Bundle | ($5) Pseudoregalia, Thief of Thieves, Kill the Crows | ($12) Pathfinder: Way of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition, Darksiders III, Beyond: Two Souls, Control Ultimate Edition
S.H. Figuart Custom Decals
Completing the lineup!
These have been popping up in aliexpress
Headswaps give me what Tamashii won't — Cell Saga base form Vegeta and Trunks