This Mr. Hasgaha knows his screenshots... breath-tak-ing!
This is a hangar. Swipe to reveal what a hanger is.
Think I'm Gonna Take a Break From This Game
There is a Huge disconnect between PvE Gameloop Time investment vs PVP Risk & Reward going on right now and honestly, it’s ruining the Game feel hard.
love this weak beautiful ship.
Im angry. Pardon my french CIG, but it is absolute and utter BS that a refinery order cant be directly transferred to station inventory. I just lost ALL of my refinery orders. I didnt even have a chance to unload.
Which new combat ship are you most looking forward to Pt. 2!
This Star Citizen lore content creator deserves much more love @TheAstroHistorian
Why do some SC ship manufacturers stick to brand identity, while other manufacturers have to reinvent their design with every other ship?
Supply or die was a blast!
Starlancer MAX or Constellation Taurus??
What does ORS51v1c mean on the MISC Odyssey? Its also written on the ship's tail.
Solo Cargo/Fighter Recs
Teaching CIG, game development. Supply or die edition.
The current situation
Love the Ship Transmissions. Couldn't find an easy way to see them all, so here's a list with all links. Which am I missing?
So, I got 2 mil worth of Quant sitting right in front of me and I can't do a damn thing about it. Anyone up to come help assist? My Orgmates are asleep, and I am solo in a Prospector.
Why won't my multitool work??? restarting doesn't fix
To Illustrate an Issue...
Who are you supporting in the fight for Pyro?
Tips for the Hull C?
Star Citizen completed ship list 4.01