The HSLDA has managed to escape public memory as repeat guests on Alex Jones' deranged InfoWars radio show. We have found four of their multiple appearances and placed them all in one collection here.
We're CRHE, the only org in U.S. fighting for homeschooled children's rights. AMA!
Illinois State Representative Terra Costa Howard tells Homeschool apologist to get fucking wrecked in yesterday’s 2827 hearing
🥳 Illinois HB 2827 has passed the House Education Committee 8-4-1 and will be recommended to the full chamber 🥳
HSLDA livestream of the Illinois homeschool bill hearing at the state capitol. Hearing is scheduled to begin at 830 CT
I’m in.
ICHE is bussing Homeschoolers to the Illinois capitol for Wednesday's homeschool bill hearing... You're a homeschooler too, aren't you?
IL HB 2827 - New witness slips required
Testimony from homeschool students opposing Utah’s HB 0209, which removed the statute barring child sex offenders from homeschooling. The bill passed committee 7-0-2 and passed the Senate 62-13.
The Illinois Homeschoolers have begun the online harrasment phase of their legislative playbook
Non conservative homeschool survivors?
ICHE is coordinating with the HSLDA and Adhoc to bus in massive resistance to the Illinois homeschool bill. The group’s Executive Director, Kirk Smith, told subscribers they “will be descending upon the capitol” after Illinois rescheduled HB 2827’s hearing to March 19
When Virginia attempted to end the religious exemption from education, Homeschoolers came from all across Virginia to silence the testimony of homeschooled children. This is the story of Virginia's SB 1031, the Homeschool Lobby, and how terrified they are of you talking
Support USA Homeschool Regulation Reform In Illinois
From Capitol News Illinois and ProPublica: "Illinois Has Virtually No Homeschooling Rules. A New Bill Aims to Change That."
In Utah? Attend & give public comment TODAY to the Utah Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee will hold a vote at 4PM MST on HB209. The bill would remove the statute barring convicted child offenders—those guilty of child abuse, kidnapping, or sexual exploitation of a minor—from homeschooling
The Utah House Committee on Education has voted to let child abusers homeschool. Utah’s HB 0209 would remove the statute barring convicted child offenders –anyone found guilty of child abuse, kidnapping, or sexual exploitation of a minor— from homeschooling children. It is on its way to the Senate
The Utah House Committee on Education has voted to let child abusers homeschool. Utah’s HB 0209 would remove the statute barring convicted child offenders —anyone found guilty of child abuse, kidnapping, or sexual exploitation of a minor— from homeschooling children. It is on its way to the Senate
The Department of Education has removed all articles published over the past decade from Previous posts were written by staff like interns, senior advisors, & the Under Secretary. Now the only post up is by Stephanie Birch... watercolor artist and homeschool mother of 2
The Department of Education has removed all articles published over the past decade from [b] Previous posts were written by staff like interns, senior advisors, & the Under Secretary. Now the only post up is by Stephanie Birch... watercolor artist and homeschool mother of 2
When a child succeeds, it is the product of homeschooling. When children are neglected or abused, it is irrelevant to homeschooling… And if those children are later able to articulate the abuse done to them, it is only thanks to homeschooling
It’s another live thread! The Virginia Senate Education Committee will be debating and voting on the SB 1031 homeschool bill. Follow along here for live updates and the status of the vote
Last week, Movement Homeschoolers disrupted a VA Senate Education Subcommittee to defend the loophole allowing religious exemption from education. While neglected homeschoolers gave moving testimony, the VA Homeschool org president is on tape saying isolated kids just “want their own story”
In a 2024 recording, Anne Miller, president of VA’s Homeschool lobbying group, tells a homeschool student that kids feeling isolated from homeschooling likely wouldn’t have as many friends in public school as they think. She adds that homeschooled kids speaking out just “want their own story.”