What are your thoughts on the movie American Paleonerd where a paleonerd goes insane and kills people who are Jurassic park fans? Like what are your favourate moment and lines from this film?
What would be some cool mesozoic protagonists for a movie/game/series?
What would be cool mesozoic creature for being an antagonist for a movie/game/series?
Archaeopteryx lithographica by me
Embrace Tyrannosaurus supremacy
Its been last year since Dinosaur zoo shut down and now every dinosaur are released into the wild and it was CHAOS, like I have seen a spinosaurus swimming on waterparks, two Alamosaurus mating infront of kindergartners, like tell me What is ur most wild encounter you wanna share?
Yo Spino MFs! What's the most cursed spino image you got?
Someone please make a video of a Carnotaurus singing silly billy
Nimravid's last stand
A triceratops could be the main antagonist so easy
Dont get me wrong Dinosaurs are cool af but man do they take up the spot light from everything else
Daemonelix burrows by Paleocastor from late Oligocene to early Miocene discovered in the late 19th century at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. Standing next to it is the neuroanatomist Frederick C. Kenyon.
Starting a tournament with 24 dinosaurs/prehistoric creatures. (YOU GUYS CAN SUGGEST WHAT CREATURES I CHOOSE! Top 24 choices will be in the tournament. So only suggest one creature per user.)
Meet Dinocrocuta perhaps the largest Hyena in existence like this guy ranged from Eurasia to Africa and lived in the late Miocene.
This is for fun but if lets say the Meatly himself starts doing an AMA in this subreddit, what type of question would you ask him about?
Title ig
What are your thoughts on the movie Australopithecus fellas directed by martin cynodont which line and moment was your favorite and why?
We know who this is
Do you think that a movie/game/series about dinosaur bird hybrids would be a cool idea?
help i can't stop popping cubic jonklage
Ok which dinosaur movie idea over here would you prefer?
I made paleoart of Amphicyon.
Hi guys, i want to share my hobby and my fan project / joker stained glass.