Which of these two deserves the title of worst character/villain in Dragon Ball history?
Why did Miquella choose Radhan over Godwyn?
What are your Keybinds on PC?
born to be a hater forced to love turrets
So all this hype was for nothing?
My Experience, 2+ months of waiting
realistically if kid buu wanted to train how strong do you think this little mf could get? especially since he was stated to have “ god ki “
Anyone had mad luck pulling wins against fiendsmith with non meta decks?
Something something white woman something where labrynth support
Boomer's boss monsters, should I put Dragoon in ?
Egyptian Gods of Modern Yugioh
PS4: [W] Ansbach Longbow+10 [H] Mule,Karma,Ask+
Goldmask is the former leader of the Dryleaf Sect
Dragon kin soldier theory
Visual Exploration Series part 7 - Snakes of Gelmir
Weakest Yugi-Boomer Endboard
Is this what everyone was afraid of?
[Psx] H:everything W:customers
Eldlich Deck Noob Criticism
Just to clarify I also like z broly
What’s going to happen here…
What archetype or storyline, do you feel is a nothing burger or wasted potential in terms of story/theming?
The fandom failed Z Broly
Most people don’t understand DBZ Broly’s character