A hateful racist slur on his own birthday cake, MAGAtaker's idea of a sick "joke"
So glad CM Punk is happy
I just want to feel your balls on my neck, friend
General discussion sunday
"No more Vince killed Owen posts goofs, they're hurtful and they're destructive, it's undignified."
“And then Mox asked me ‘Have you seen Rocky 3?’”
SCJerk: She beat Jadeberg and Rhea Hogan is what she did! She was a brave Italian wrestler. And in this sub Liv Morgan is a hero! End of story!
I miss when AEW was legitimately, and dare I say objectively, THE best wrestling promotion in the planet.
"I gotta learn Korean"
Poor innocent Cope was forced to win. Cope is a team player, he put over Mox!!
“What did I ever do in this world to deserve an empty-headed fucking dumb fuck like Gunther to go out on a house show and fucking go into business for himself?” - Cancer Phil
So let me get this straight Roman..You said CM Punk screwed you…and in return you screwed him back? Am I hearing that correctly?
Yo belt warmers, you still there
Ugh so boring why didn’t Roman and Seth and Punk talk more, no wonder the Fed is dying and AEW is so back after their hard reset
You could have kept having TRUE GRAPS BANGERS that came on families like the 80s, but instead you just *had* to join your Quisling brother 🙄 Enjoy Triple K's Latino Vortex you TRADER!!!
Randy Orton: “Kevin Owens, you can take that apology and shove it right up your ass. Where you like it, if you get my drift.” *wink wink*
Who should dethrone Simon Miller? He’s had that belt long enough
General Discussion/Zero Fucks Friday: Mar. 21, 2025
You just get home from Collision and see your wife (who looks like sweet cinnamon roll Iyo Sky) in bed with a man wearing this t shirt. What's your next move?
DAE miss when Cena was straight?
What do you think?
DAE all publicity is good publicity! M'Dub is carving out a niche with stuff the ded fed is too CHICKEN to do!
“AEW is not combat sports, it's really a hybrid between entertainment and sports, so we don't consider that 100% sports.”
Did you notice that WM 42 will take place exactly 230 days after Forbidden Door ?