Why is it $12,000 and not $15,000?
Should I use LED strips or mini spotlights for IKEA tall Milsbo?
i got in, but
Devserver new additions - [DE] Schütze-class inboard minesweeper (TT Rank III BR 3.0) and [CN] VT-5 light tank (Squadron Rank VII BR 10.7)
Official CPA Exam Score Release Thread - AUD, FAR, REG - 02/25- May the curve be ever in your favor
Score Releases
AUD score release
Results coming out
So it's that time of the year again...
Results on the 25th
Most irritating vehicle to play against? I’ll start
For those who passed one section of the exam, how did you feel right after finishing it? Were you confident you’d passed, or were you still unsure?
Somua SM or amx 30 super/vbci 2
Corporation does not need unanimous vote for fundamental changes?
Got out of AUD
What is a general acceptable score for Audit SE?
Just left AUD
Why is the char 25T still 8.0
Help! Can auditor express an opinion on ICFR?
SE1 67, SE2 70 is this a good place for aud exam(1/27)?
Towards sun, RP and silver lions!
Accounting Clubs
Where are the classrooms in IV?
To who ever took my Uber eats at IV tonight
Help! Regarding first time application