I want to know what you think is easiest, Dex or strength
Motion inputs from the left
How is the food at UCSB?
Holy Pull
Favorite character that you just can’t support the creator ?
I'm tired of the Gaius charge hate
i completely understand the Mai hate now
3.4 unweighted GPA am i cooked
Lucky W against a Guile over 400 MR above me. He 1-and-done me. But got me just +15 MR.
Where are your eyes when you play?
Did anyone else notice this
What do these words say that I received on my takeaway order bag?
Which game to get?
Black to Move. How should I have proceeded?
Character usage - February 2025: Mai debuts with the highest usage rate to date!
None of the US/Canada regions are super regions any more; only Japan, Asia, Asia East, and UK/Ireland are super regions for the CPT 2025.
To those still playing Strive: How do you do it?
Wunk hit wunkder
coaxed into character design
(Street Fighter vs Tekken) - Are "fundamental characters" easier or harder?
Self repost with a non-tracked link in caption
Yes, I'm fully aware he was nowhere near as jarring in T7 and I do feel for JoKa...