The Inquisitor
To all the haters that said default attack is garbage, Cruel Doryani :). Build in comments
I played for 2 minutes before they took the servers down! Ask me anything.
Sitting on my hands waiting for the game to drop, so I drew some fanart. Love me skelies, love me witch, love me fire, simple as.
No, Bring it Down
Let's just all enjoy this before it gets patched out
my experience with the dlc in a nutshell
Indira is overhated
"Lord captain, I brought you the Comics section as you like."
They are probably screaming at each other after that one.
The real wage gap
SDF in discord: normal mode gear cap being removed
What video games never get boring?
W key is all we know these days I guess
Biggest improvements to the current state of the game
Is it possible to identify RMT farmers in trade chat?
BiS Blues - I'm out.
Ruins story of mine.
Are we playing the same videogame?
They're NOT planning on adding an auction house. Thoughts?
Wizard takes up 5/100 of the top slots on Solo High Roller kill leaderboards and 0/100 of the slots on Veteran Adventurer.
POV: You're too unskilled to afford BiS gear
WORST solo class?
1 of every class or multiples of the same?