I've asked Chatgpt to roast Belgium
Est-ce que c’est bizarre de vouloir être père au foyer et est-ce que c’est accepté ?
Que pensez vous d'une femme qui fait le premier pas ?
What's your favourite Pokémon?
I let my son cum in me
Les garçons aimez vous donner des surnom au fille ?
Un peu perdu et vraiment triste, aide ?
Sauver un couple inter-religieux ?
J'ai l'impression que mes potes mec me surprotèges tout le temps...
Heil Spez.
Your best friend has never seen the show before. Describe the show in one quote:
What pokemons do you like but know that they just suck competitively?
I made a Five Hargreeves playlist
How many enjoyed the intergenerational bit summer did?
which character are you defending like this?
Squad leagues idea
Medic 5 is really OP
Who should I buy after saving enough
Did they make Elita-1 cheaper than Optimus Prime? Sure seems like it
If Reginald had an autopsy, how did they not discover he was an alien?
5 new character ideas, one for each SC game
Squad Busters x Godzilla Event
Real question here: When is Tara going to be a playable character?
Can we apprecaite the First Win Bonus? This was REALLY needed. Might be best thing that comes with this update.
What do you think her powers are? Electrokenesis energy manipulation hydrokenesis? Or same as bens?