Top 10 most and least popular brawlers
Which hc did u guys buy?
Tell me the brawler you main and why you main them, and I’ll rate it.(image unrelated).
Bro played with Jesus
how many letters in my name do brawlers have
Comment your main and I’ll reply either saying that this brawler is either underrated or overrated. (Image totally unrelated).
What is your highest brawler?
Why the Sam?
What your main says about you!!! Part 3!!!!!!!!!!!
The release date of the Hypercharges has been changed to next Monday (instead of tomorrow). This is to avoid conflicts with esports.
Smash or pass but specific 2
Chester won by a little with 7 votes! R-T and 8-Bit were close with 6 votes, but no Brawler is more funny than the gambling jester! And now, which Tank is universally beloved?
New Sam Strat?
Who’s hyper are you most excited for?
Ass or tits?
Your mother's breasts are ___________
Brawl Stars meta tierlist by me (Season 36: Dark Sands)
If you had to quit playing one brawler forever what would it be?
Tell me a flag and I will rank day 1 (Your flag will appear in day 2)
Tier list based on how much I like these brawlers
My opinion on you based on your main (it's a joke of course, i don't actually want you to die if you main Rico duh)
Would I kill this brawler or not