Better tips for Zero Blue 2
SM7B sounds tinny and thin
Retired news anchor have me this
$50 or less desktop microphone with live monitoring?
What Microphone Should I Get?
Anyone knows what microphone this is?
What IEMS should I get?
recommend me an IEM?
Which IEM would you recommed?
Just got the moondrop ch 2 anything else I should get?
Helo choose my first one
Should I get a type-c cable with DAC as well?
Suggest me the best iems under 20$
Biggest tips, but still falling out?
looking for advice
First IEM
Help me buy my first iem
SIMGOT EM6L vs SIMGOT EW300. Which one is better?
Need suggestions for my first IEM within a $40 budget
KZ Zenith: Is KZ on the Way to Redeem Itself?
Budget iems recommendation
Upgrade for KZ Kastor
Super scratchy feedback on my recordings.
Seeking Recommendations