Unable to move at birthday cake scene
Sheep Lass - Just a moment...
I thought I was prescribed a new oral medication from the doctor.
Gifs for the 'Zelda2-like' im developing! what do you think? :)
Combat in my Zelda 2 inspired/GBC styled platformer game!
Disarming a skeleton in my Zelda2 like game
Very Proud father of these satisfying, breakable Jars
how my attack animation has changed since beginning Pixel art
Some Pixel Foes from my game. Pick a favorite >:(
drawing animations i've done for my game
Catching a bullet
Feeding your Mimic
He looks botched, what can i do to improve?
from 1 to 10, how is it?
How does this graphic style look? (16x16 tiles and 32x32 buildings)
making a game where your coat is a mimic/monster
spells in my game, cast by your Mimic partner
in my game, the characters coat is a mimic
I remember showing this screenshot of Funger to friends and followers and people thought the zombie's name was "Frank Hunger"
one of the biggest time sinks for me as a dev is the endless cycle of improving old sprites
Veteran Head hunter
Juggling entities in my Zelda2-like Sheep Game
Why Indies Are No Longer as Unique?
Can I have tips?