Texas Jack.
Big stockman today.
New Slip Day; thank you, u/robcrist!
New slip day
NGD! Guild OM-250e. This is a really interesting and great sounding guitar. Arched Rosewood back and sides. No bracing on the back. Finally have an acoustic I really jive with.
Some windy wind today.
Morning chores.
Green today. Y'all have a great Monday 🤘
Farm chores.
Beauty of a morning in the Ozarks.
Morning chores
Shoutout to u/robcrist
Fridee, y'all have a great day🤘
This one today.
Wild weather in the Ozarks.
Beauty of an evening in the Ozarks.
These today, y'all have a great week🤘
Evening Carry
Keeping it simple for Sundee.
Morning chores with these today. Y'all have a great Saturday🤘
This guy seems to not want to leave the pocket.
These today.