Who is Imu-sama similar to in real history?
Newbie here, need help for build progression.
Theory about awakened Zoan Fruits
What's your favorite U.C MS?
I just got the usurpation of fire ending and tf does it mean?
Whats this weapon and how do I get it
What’s a mobile suit you didn’t like at first but eventually grew to love?
This is the ugliest Gundam design I've ever had the displeasure of seeing
Ranking the bosses based on how good their themes are
Ds3 all bosses tierlist based on how fun they were
Black Knight Greatsword
What map do you dislike the most? I'll start Farron Keep
Recommended Boss Order and when to tackle DLC?
Which weapon gave you this feeling?
Is DarkSouls3 really just that hard?
Is there any method to respec in dark souls 3?
Beat the guy 2 or so hours ago but forgot to make a post lmao and, ngl, kinda disappointed with him.
I just finished watching Gundam unicorn. Ask me anything
I think I beat Dark Souls 3 too fast
Weapons/build advice
Whats your favorite Dex weapon?
Gael down 2 tries😎
siegward died during yhorm fight so im deleting my savefile
Killing Aldrich
Question about Rosaria?