What are the best, most creative tips for getting away with murder
Critique the first chapter of my fantasy novel
Please critique my writing
In fiction, what is the smallest thing you can see in a story that says the most about it's world?
Critique on fantasy novel
Criticaque the first chapter of my fantasy novel
Would someone please critique my work for my fantasy novel
Balance between description and dialogue. I attempted concoct a proper mix of these two. It is just a single page. Let me know how let felt about the dialogue, description and their usage. any suggestion is appreciated
What are some things to consider when writing a fantasy religion?
why would the oceans between "islands" receed yearly?
Common magical trinkets left over from an a more magical time?
I'm struggling to start a Hero story
Please share your thoughts and critique the prologue of my story! (1250 Words)
Naming aliens
Is there a collective word for species that humans can turn into?
Please criticise at the first chapter of my fantasy novel
Please critique the first chapter of my novel
When writing a sequel... how much reminder text is right?
Looking for critique on chapter of my fantasy novel (1800)
Need help with a possible plothole
Your boy needs heavy constructive criticism. Help!
Looking for 1 on 1 or small group criritiques.
Art of War, the Art of writing it.
How to Give the Heroes Magic Weapons and Armor
Writing characters who become the villain