I am a new player in my first play through and don't know what to do in this situation
Advocating for a ban on communist and fascist/nazi symbols in a future federalist EU
Go ahead, gimme your typographical hot takes
What are these called in your language?
Alright, time to settle it, how do you say Herobrine?
A Civil War skull with a fatal wound from an exploding 12-pound artillery shell.
React content
One way ticket to Looney Land
naturlich 😎
Magic pill
Added Ideologies for my country (can't wait someone to say im a communazi)
Kas Telia tahab lastele õudusunenägusi anda??
Who else writes a capital A like this in cursive?
She brought a man along (security?) . To no avail. She pays.
Woman brought her boyfriend as backup but things didn't go as planned
If these towns become one, what would you name it?
What do we call this new entity?
Oranž läks hulluks
Actual Art
"less lethal".
How do we, as Balts, feel about americans thinking we’re not worth defending?
JU from 196. I thought these guys were cool but I guess they can use statistics against specific groups when they think it's ok
How I write dates in my script
Just unsubbed from ShitPoliticsSays (it has been taken over by pro-ruzzian idiots)
US president directly humiliating Zelenskyy & spreading pro-russian narratives. US isn’t our ally. We need independent EU.
hitman games wiki very freaky