Why does slimegetem get so much hate??🤔
Oldest YN
he about to get the bh4l tatoo 😂😂
051 kiddo corrupted my vocabulary
100K nd it ain't even 24 hours🥱🩸🩸 Better kno how speedy get
What gang do the joker claim?
yall not gone like this but speedy just as weak as fully ngl
Q50 says champ ain’t got shit to worry about & that his bitch going to heaven 😭
This for static purposes.
Lil Benji (95Mobb/808 🔱) they’re dissing Nachon 🕊️(RackCity ⭐️✊🏿) 🔥or 🗑️?
Big Opp
Scat pack or hellcat. Both narrow body.
when yall gon stop sleeping on Vert man
What the FUCK does it mean when niggas put their thumbs down. I've seen it from rappers in Philly, DC, Jacksonville, miami, NYC, Chicago, etc
jboogie 50 and the hounds in maybach in atlanta telling lil t how they living on jail call 🩸
Who died?
RIP Lil Mister. Ngl, he cooked Prince Dre lmfaoooo bruh
Gang culture isn't a black problem.
32yo married man with mortgage
I got sweaty arm pits help me with sum suggestions?
This sub is just r/watchpeopledie
Lil Jeff had high top dreads
The fans be raw 🔥
she tbs yet😭😭
Bloodhound Lil Speedy Speaks 🩸