You could probably get really far just going for CL and Chronofield.
Guardian chips, delayed gratification?
Crops can be resown. Homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them.
Approach to reducing Cooldowns?
A (hopefully) simple guide on how CL works both with and without DC
I was unable to find a mod merging guide that made sense to my dumb brain, so I made one of my own. Please let me know where it can be improved.
I love the new module!
Best Labs that are not usually suggested
Appreciation posts.New skin
What's the next play?
If you have intro skip with the new background, the hands of the clock will turn fast
How should I approach modules?
I think i did something dumb
Early gameplay be like
I don’t know if I have the strength
Ultimate Weapon #5 decision
Messed up my GT BH Sync, need Suggestions
Can’t get over the hump of tier 3. Any tips?
Tesla pauses deliveries of 2025 Model Y in the US due to EPA hold while finalizing its range certifications | Neither Tesla nor the EPA have provided an estimated date or further details on when the delivery hold will be lifted.
somebody pls save me :(
I'm tired boss.. 1235 T2's later, and I'm reaching insanity levels I'd never thought I could reach (Subreddit says only post on Sunday's, so I waited patiently to share my pain)
Deaths coffer can claw my dupes and uniques from my cold dead hands
I'm tired guys..
Bought home plans online and want edits. Need advice.
Best path forward for us