I feel stupid for having gone so doomer over BLM changes
They actually implemented it!
Why are so many anime remakes coming out?
Legion Remix - Bring back the Mage Tower appearances!
Square Enix After Seeing The Guerilla Marketing Tactics of TWW (From the FF14 Patch Notes)
Help my waist!
Tried to do Yorick from League of Legends
I guess it’s okay
The "Classics of Anime" According to r/anime
Missing weapons trail on dwarf crusader strike
Low fantasy assassin 🔪
Is there something i overlooked in War Fury rotation ?
Trying to figure out what pieces are for this set (Monk/Leather)
Am I playing arcane mage wrong?
WoW streamer StaySafeTV has been banned
Spicy take - Delves were too easy and we all knew
Fire Fighter
Unable to location quest giver
Earthen quest sets
TWW Class distribution - max levels only
M4 Savage Phase Transition
Why are people so against high frame rates in fighting games?
What is your biggest "unacceptable" takes on FGO to even Nasuverse as a whole?
I wish Square would be okay with some jobs being the "hard" jobs.
Seriously guys, Viper is too busy?