Die Rise Remaster
Favourite Pack-a-Punched gun name?
which one do you like more?
what's the best yt channel for iw zombies guides im not gonna watch those roflewaffle nonsense guides, i need accurate and quick guides.
Infinite Warfare Zombies
Bo6 vs Cold War
I can't be the only one that would like a remake other than the most popular ones.
Yea, I’ll say it.
You could never make me hate a wood stocked gun
What has Treyarch succeeded the most with in Bo6?
How would you feel of the BO6 Super EE was adding the option to add 1 more Augment to each selection?
I'm confused
Best Zombies game after Bo3?
What’s your favourite perk jingle/song?
can we all agree this is the most stupidly unfair boss fight of bo6 yet, at least for solo players? hey, let’s just see how much shit we can throw at someone, giving them no room to breathe
God, i miss the old power switch
Who else thinks bo6 should have a boss battle mode?
What do people mean when they say BO6 is less replayable than older titles.
Communication between characters
Help my GF playing zombies stresses me TF out 😂
The Difficulty Between Origins in BO2 vs BO3 Is Insane
3arc stop bringing back Amalgams
Season 2 roadmap
The new enemy type looks dope!
Small snippet of zombies gamplay from the trailer