Cute art
Why is this the image used for Sonic Underground on Playstation?
I need this...
Please Sega, don't turn me into airpods...
Season 9 is the goat
Remember this?
They kinda tried, it's not good though
What is a youtuber you hope won't get in any controversy?
What's your nastolgia movie?
Thoughts on rango?
Which one is better?
This hurts my head...
So what character would you get rid of if you could?
Thoughts on this show?
How would erb think about this battle?
[Totally spies]
Who should do a crossover with cookie run next?
Still the worst sonic game...
What the hell is this?
Thoughts on the john wick franchise?
What is the best netflix cartoon? (image unrelated)
How good is pebble for you?
I hated this thing as a kid
I remember the good old days when people were shitting on ugly sonic to death