Mods that absolutely PRECLUDE Killboxes?
Garys Economics
Which is Better? - Dark Souls Architectural Experiment
Fluid sim at real world scale - not possible?
My response to the United Healthcare CEO situation from a libertarian perspective
Asmongold/Zackrawrr Suspension Megathread
Why was their relationship never explained
SOTE NG+ Runes issue?
Worth all that effort?
I’m sorry, but.
Square Mile Filter Blend - Too Acidic Without Resting?
Accepted by society, so they say
Take a look at this bEAUTY
People with facial tattoos should not be entitled to receive unemployment benefits.
Every Day Loadout
Couldn't God have created a world where misery and evil didn't exist without needing Adam and Eve to decide it for him?
Planting Detonators/attaching components
Diving suit command
Lone Kerbal Looking At Kerbin
Beginner questions
heckkin chonky chungus bunny
Heccin Chonky Chungus Rabbit
Coworker's mother told him that Bluetooth headphones can give you cancer
Someone stole this veterans medical alert dog :(
Arcane/Physical Blood Gem Help