Imagine cheating and still losing this badly
If you could do a few balance changes, what would they be?
If you could remove one card from the game, which one would it be?
Team Wars Deck Bug
Super Goths!
Might be the worst weekend event of all time
I think this is a new record for me for shortest match.
Is this game worth playing in 2025 if you want to play casually?
Sick and tired of this game already.
How does this work?
Why does everyone at 6000 have higher level cards than me?
Deck tips pls
Connection problems
Lo que aprendí de cara al público
All of them
Anything I should change?
Douchebag Deranker
We need an update #bringsppdback
Is it me or does this happen for everyone
Espátula bloqueadora
Level Diff
Ratey new deck
Is this even possible
I got two knight instead of one knight from the castle defender, if you look closely there are two knight