Drop every cursed spinosaurus reconstruction you have
“The Prequels have the best fights” The only two remotely memorable fights across an entire trilogy:
Comenta una película sobre extraterrestres que te produzca verdadero terror: Comienzo: "Fuego en el cielo".
what star wars characters got you like this?
Dark n’ gritty 2 Cloning boogaloo
Man come on💔
Can we finally all get behind this take?
in a post about defending pong krell.
Mitsuha Sitting Very Bisexually
How Large is the 501st in the Republic? (Spoilers all)
Ranking Jedi on how fat I think their ass’ are
Personally, I prefer Dinosauria.
somebody had to say it
According to the Times of India, this is a Titanosaur...
I thought this sub just made fun of people that take the series too seriously
Sequels bad, prequels bad Clone Wars bad, A new hope boring and bad yada yada yada we get it. Whats your favorite OBJECTIVELY GOOD Star Wars Movie
Well, I think Clone Wars SUCKS
Guys, which one is more dark and griddy?
Pteranodon fossil for sale?
Boyz is t-rex surviving this?
Why was Rex's Helmet so unique? Was it custom-made?
Nihilus my beloved. Powerscalers and legendsbros may have missed the entire point of your character but your still my favorite Sith of all time, you pathetic loser (compliment).
Frank Castle said trans rights
The Scoundrel's Cantina knows what's up