Samura has been smoking since he was 18, how he can still have Iron like lungs and be a strong swordsman?
The fact the Hishaku existed almost 10 years has me thinking What if there was a OG hishaku and the version we’re seeing now is a new version because only 8 members have been revealed so far there’s still 2 more the story hasn’t revealed
That’s why he’s THE GOAT! THE GOAT!
They look almost the same (credits to LedTheTimido for the colouring)
How do you think the Sword Saint sound like? i want Dio VA because he seriously give me Toji vibes (Even through i think he fits Sojo)
Who would consider the lead female of the series???
Takeru Hokazono really deserves to be praised for his writing.
What was Kid Sojo doing in the Shokoku island?
I wonder how chihiro gonna react when he finds out his uncle is hitler on steroids
With every new information this panel gets more interesting...
Father and son?
Hoooooollllllllllly Shit.
Like a moth to an underaged flame
Reposting some of my rezero shitposts here
Yhwach might have more aura than Aizen
Who's your favourite Bambi
Chihiro on the BachiTrain
Wilhelm after this episode
TV anime "Gachiakuta" Main cast unveiled ⚡
Chapter 72 - Leaks & Raws Megathread
If Goblin party had a 6th party member what he/she would be ?
BOYCOTT THE COMMIENABI, JOIN THE HISHAKU! they stole my magic rocks :(
Do you think this girl Chiwa will appear again in the story and gonna be a giver?