Welp, I made it to 42, so that's something.
Every time i trynna write im stuck on mother i sober flow
How to deal with the "diabetes cures"?
Should video games be considered a form of ART? I nominate Panzer Dragoon (Sega Saturn) and here's why:
Are Witnesses allowed to gamble?
Huge mail day
Have you been pull over by the diabetes police?
Suggestions for a newbie
Sega Saturn saroo roms help
How do I find my voice?
Scoring as a big
Rounding Off My JP Saturn Collection.
High blood pressure guys my life is over
Max SD card size for Saroo?
Looking for good TPS singleplayer games?
question about writing raps before listening to beat
Seeking advice on a personal song subject.
Trouble rapping only when I actually record - tips?
Best Man
Hardest Rakim song?
Rappers for Beats?
What's your opinion's on Insane Clown Posse
Becoming a JW again? MISSION ABORTED !!!
Any games that will help me forget this loneliness I feel?
How to make a better voice when rapping