My Collection. Anything to add?
which would you choose and why?
What's everyone's favorite Intro to play?
Name the game
Glowing ec-1000
In your opinion which albums have no skips? And you genre
They fell for the fort cheese.. twice in one turn.
thoughts on this? is it junk or is it good what are we thinking?
Who’s an underrated guitarist in your opinion?
Any easy yet good Rammstein songs to learn on guitar?
My girlfriend offered me a guitar for our anniversary
I have never seen you, but I will miss you.... F
Is there any way to controll all the nations?
NGD M-1000 HT
What genre do you think I play based on my collection?
what genre do i play based of my gear
I just started for the first time.
What amps are you all using that handle down tuned 7 or even 8 string guitars?
Which is best in ur opinion
Would you rather play a heavy guitar or light?
What difficulty level do you play on and why?
How NOT to play a classical guitar
Did Uncle Roger watch the videos first and then plan what he would comment, or is it pure improvisation?
What is your Favorite 5fdp Solo?