Suikoden Remaster Megathread
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.. Steam key Giveaway no.2!
Just got this delivered by Amazon. Do I send it back?
Am I hearing things or dies Henry have a really strong lisp in kcd2
We will reserve 3 free Genetic Apex packs with a guaranteed rare card on Pokemon day (February 27)
How many did you save ?
Bin nicht im Bilde - sind das die guten?
What's promo card 008/P-A?
Who has started saving their hourglasses for the A2 booster release?
Anyone else still saving hourglasses?
In light of the new expansion
On this week’s episode of Hoarders:
My Girlfriend Thought Hades Was a Cow
A spreadsheet for TCG Pocket that calculates the best pack to pull!
I made a spreadsheet that calculates the best pack to pull!
Looking For Pokemon TCG Pocket Friends? Add Your Friend Code Here & Add Others!
My new debit card
Add me/follow me fellow ambassadors!
The offspring is getting a little heavy. What do I do here? Cut it off, plant it, and hope for the best? (Sanseviera francisii)
200+ hours of playtime and I've never seen a green shell just ... bounce off. What happened here? (Happens on Roy's screen.)
My hands after getting hand food mouth disease from my kids...
Any idea how this was distributed back in the day? I can't find anything about this edition of Royal Blood anywhere.
Is there a VC Inject of the latest version? I'd love to play this on my 3DS
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex