How do you react when your toddler screams at you?
Possibly Sketchy Job Opportunity?
I realized I like one of my coworkers and don’t know what to do with that feeling.
How do I spend less money?
Does anyone struggle with imposter syndrome?
AITAH for wanting my partner to "show" that he can be an adult?
My roommate is creeping me out
what KIND of people can you not be friends with?
What's the most difficult truth you've ever had to accept about yourself?
I [21F] have never finished during sex, and my boyfriend [21M] hasn’t put much effort into helping—how do I bring this up?
My husband and I have bad potty mouths
How to teach a toddler to mind their own business?
Advice on Evil Attachment
Are ghost/spirits real? or Demons impersonating them?
Pls give me the steps to follow when 1.5 year old refuses to eat foods other than snacks
*updated. I reported them.
i (23F) lost my virginity and my boyfriend (24M) gave me chlamydia. what can i do to get over this?
What kid songs kinda slap?
I (27m) am getting burnt out taking care of disabled wife (24f)
AITA for calling my SIL and some family friends creepy over how they behave towards by child?