Which country is this, wrong answers only
Pogodite u kojem rasponu godina se nalazi slavljenik
AOC is running for president in 2028. Bernie Sanders will be there with her to help draw out crowds. Hope you're ready. 🤡
Koji su vaši najbolji upadi u DM?
Kako se nosite sa time da ste totalni promašaj?
Sta ovo znaci uopste? Uporedila sebe sa studentima 🙏🏽
Šta vaš Reddit nick govori o vama?
No extra words needed.
Keep up the deportations! This is what we voted for
Welcome to Hell
Kombinacija sa KoLeGoM sa faksa?
You can’t make this stuff up
Keep slashing Elon
Ljudi, šta se dešava sa protestom???
Paravojna formacija na Zelenom vencu
Muzički intermeco
Baba Insajder
Why do Americans (especially conservative) distrust government ?
Video of ICE arrest captures agents dragging two noncitizens out of their vehicle in Indianapolis
Da li je okej otići lično u firmu i pitati ih za posao bez najave?
Bombs away buddy..
You scared yet, eh?
Devojke, da li ste za?
French Feminists protesting the rise of Fasism on International Women's Day with some fierce energy and body paint