Judge me from my top 12 favourite characters
This is....really bad
Judge me based on my top six
[cryxdraws] How he gets any sleep in is schedule is way beyond my understanding
Favorite actress who is a psychopath?
Metro Statue
Comrades, the masses are slowly accepting the Agenda; the time for our Agenda Impact is nigh.
Dottore when responsibility
Childe asking the Tsaritsa for a promotion
My opinion on nam gyu
Genshin core
How bad can Wanderer possibly be?
Horse prevents girl from getting squashed
I think is withered freddy
Namgyu is much deserved fame than thanos
Gojo gets sentenced in the Court of Fontaine
Sounds right.
The birds in the sky be like “lol imagine getting in debt and end up having to play these games, lol coudnt be me
President Trump: "In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all."
What if only one person won the first game? Would they even continue if there was only 1 player left?