Only 7th pay week and I almost have $10k contributed
13 hours
MEGATHREAD: DeJoy resigns, names Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino to assume head of organization while Board of Governors finds replacement
Is anybody else's paying not showing up in LiteBlue yet?
Got a topper
found scanning device - what do i do now?
If you miss 1 day while on your first 30(probation) are you cooked?
Found this attached to my dog’s snout.
Mother and daughter🩷
Post office and its carriers are inconsiderate of the hard working tax paying paying customers.
Doing splits on other's routes
Another fatal plane crash at Saldanha Bay Airshowin Cape Town
Found a postal record magazine from April 1997
Boston dynamics showing off how coordinated the new Atlas robot is
Let’s play a game💴📬
Chance of rain tonight
Loan repayment
You’re stuck in the back of the truck in 120 degrees. You taking the risk?
I might be fucked today. Area is Marietta GA.
Dropping dues
Can he be shaved.. please advise
So apparently I only 11 milliseconds 💀
Funny things I’ve found in DVIR books
Ummm what?
Route evaluations for whole station.