23 [M4F] west mass. looking for consistency above all else
characters that can give Battle Beast the fight he wants? extreme diff fights
Zhu Li Moon recieved the most upvotes for Temperance! Who represents the virtue of Charity?
Who have been your 2 favorite characters the longest? Mine are these guys
You are her lawyer, defend her
One good reason i shouldn't end this POS right here
Choose 1 Basic, 2 Complex, and 1 Legendary element, and I’ll give you a unique power
A little hot take but Finn breaking up with Flame Princess was at least 50% Cosmic Owl’s fault.
Choose two elements plus one object of you liking I will make you a personalized superpower
Is this a strong team in your opinion?
A Witcher's gotta do what a Witcher's gotta do
What games do y’all suggest that I don’t have yet?
How long would I have to let my hair grow to have it like this?
I will draw whatever the top comment says until this Whiteboard is filled up.
Summon your entire video game fanbase by using only one quote.
For the guys who can’t get women, how do you cope?
Who’s winning in a fight? 5 Royal Procession Soldiers (no Sozin’s Comet) vs 5. Dai Li Agents
Landscapers did these paths on either side of the house. Am I overreacting or is it bad?
how can i make 200 in a day?
how can i make $2oo in a day?
F21 whoes down to fuck I suck and swallow spun
No one ever bloody says kosm
What are you currently addicted to?
how do deal?
What’s your favorite euphemism for “I screwed up?”