is it bougie to be a Marxist
The Palestinians are islamofascists.
Yeah, until "the most important elections in our lifetime" come up, then he redirects everyone's revolutionary energy into the Democrat party, like in 2016 and 2020! Did you also forget about him backing Biden's agenda as well and praising him?
Oh, I guess that's why I'm not getting my See See Pee money; I only say the nice things about China on Twitter, but it seems like I need to do this on YouTube... okay, next time for sure, I'll make my Pro-China stuff there! :3
In this "review" for Ne Zha 2, only about... four to six sentences of this review truly relate to the film... the rest is just talking about Chinese national and international politics, all laced with sinophobia, anti-communist rhetoric, and yellow perilism!
What ideals exactly??
Enver Hoxha Slander on YouTube, both suggesting Hoxha is worse/crazier than a certain toothbrush mustache-wearing dictator who genocided millions of people
this is dumb
Are Ukrainian Nationalists okay in the head?
The CIA is posting more cope
Thank you good developed countries 🤧
It's incredible how ignorant these people are
USA is so based /s
Atrocious Anti-DPRK video going after the Kim Yo Jong, portraying her as a Grade-A James Bond Supervillain who is the secret force of North Korean super-evil! Channel has a few other insane Anti-DPRK videos too
So true /s
Stalin and Mao were as bad as Hitler
EuroTrash politicians repeating script lines again over a conflict they are partially responsible for causing; note the repeating line "The Ball is in Russia's Court." They need to get better script writers than this, because this is embarrassing
None of you guys know how to keep Americans safe and none of you really care about Ukraine or Russia in the slightest either! Also, can Musk seriously just STFU?
In what way??
These landlord bootlickers always use the word "rentoind" even on single mothers
Wtf is wrong with wikipidia
Found this on Threads
Gavin Newsom, Governor of California claims "For California, and America as a whole, to flourish, there must be a widespread focus on eradicating extremist, dangerous movements, like Socialism, or Communism, from the urban centers of America."