My Sony KV-LT1E Retro Corner
Any way to fix the geometry on this Sony KV-14LT1E or do I have to touch the yoke? There is a hidden rotation setting on the menu but it doesn’t do anything.
Scored a Sony Trinitron in the most unexpected way! (Story in the comment section)
That logo burning into my retinas as i load up a game always reminds me im on oled.
Preço das novas NVIDIA 5000 series em Portugal
RTX 5090 & 5080 Launchday Thread - Surprise Inside
"Cometemos erros que hoje teríamos evitado". Mariana Mortágua explica processo "penoso" e despedimentos no Bloco em carta aos militantes
Cell's reaction to Cell Max:
Lage's ball. Boas noites.
Some napkin math about 5000 series 4k avg performance without DLSS
RTX HDR Not Working
Samsung G60SD help with adjustments
Aonde nós chegamos...
Very disappointed with the Samsung G60SD. Are there options with better "color accuracy"?
The Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is considered the most remote settlement in the world. Located on the island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic, the village is home to around 312 people. Would you move here if given the chance?
What character did you get?
Whos your main and why isn't it the ICONIC Goku(Mid)
Qual será o nome da série...
Homem ameaça funcionários de supermercado com faca de grandes dimensões para sacar 500 euros (homem é brasileiro)
Barbeiro, taxista e mulher grávida mortos a tiro na rua em Lisboa
Ghost of Yotei has literally done Nothing, yet everyone if freaking out.
Games with ACTUALLY good open worlds?
SIB Forza Motorsport 8 at 50% off?
Who’s right: 1080p or 1440p for a new gaming rig?
Tell a friend..... If they don't have it, time to pull the trigger when its 60% off at Steam!!