por que no se considera a estudiantes el 4to o 5to grande?
Me masturbo casi a diario realmente ya no siento placer es como una necesidad
Se deberia financiar la investigación en matematica pura / fisica teorica
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
I always thought this was a cute detail
Cual es el peor acto social que muestra la degradación de la sociedad? En argentina?
Camperas de invierno
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
What’s your comfort episode?
Kiss marry or befriend
which political stance do you think each character of the show has?
Men, what’s the first thing you do when you get home from work?
Comprar tableta gráfica para dibujar en CABA
What rules do you notice JW break the most?
Help! My boyfriend is a video editor and a gamer, his most of the time is spend on his chair, wanna buy him a new gaming chair but idk which is good?
women of reddit, how long it takes to you (and what) for knowing if a new "friend" has ulterior motives, like having a crush on you?
What’s something traditionally 'unmasculine' you wish men felt freer to do openly?
Venta DVDs
To the men who have truly been in love before, what is the craziest thing you’ve done for a girl you love?
¿Tendré una noche loca o me van a robar los órganos?
Casa de electrodomésticos
How does a guy get over feeling insecure about his dick size and height?
Dear former fit men of Reddit, how did you get fat?