You owe us an apology.
Eat One 👆
Eat One 👆 Yeni neslin posterleri muhteşem
When will the Islamic Republic of Iran finally join the Council of Europe? 🇮🇷🇪🇺
Wake up babe! We are federalizing the EU and setting up a transcontinental metro.
Some Karaboga Sign
Racist and Fascist sign at the "Protests" in Türkiye. Thoughts?
Stay Strong Brothers
Respect to Erdogan from Armenia
In Istanbul, a protester surprised his girlfriend with a marriage proposal.
Alexander, I will finish what you started.
From Istanbul, with Roman Aqueduct in Background, "Regime Must Be Destroyed"
Thank you Germany for this amazing dish!
What if All the -Stans United?
Greek propaganda poster during the Balkan wars, it reads : The devourer of Bulgarians.
I have the following email received from legit email address, Am I in Danger?
I have the following email received from legit email address
I don't have a microsoft account, but I received a phishing from legit microsoft email address. They are now spoofing legit From addresses from Microsoft, beware
I love turkey sometimes
Wait... You're Not a Baluchi Nationalist Yet?! 🎶 Greece ❤️ Baluchistan ❤️ Israel ❤️ Kurdistan ❤️
How much based is your country?