My edit of Manfred Von Karma at the beginning of his career
With 2022 DFE eza are you hype for the most
The first premium unit from 2023 that got eza?
Whose idea was to add charges to these 70 turn fights...
So, is this a TFS reference?
100% LR TEQ GOATenks (220% Lead, LR AGL Gogeta's double 54% buff)
55% LR TEQ SSJ Vegito + 55% LR AGL SSJ Gogeta (Angel) w/ Gogeta's double Active skill is illegal
How Many Stones For anniversary
Anyone else really enjoying this new look?
Have these idiot developers even seen the show? His name is Jiren
Don't know if anyone else noticed this but vegito makes literally a X (10) and shoots it.
Nanako (Ace Attorney Pixel Art Style)
AI Dungeon
When will he get EZA?
Upcoming content - Daima/New Years
PHY Lr Trunks Mini Showcase 😼👍
New improvements to passive skill descriptions
Thoughts on the new battle UI?
All 7 Attributes in just one card
"Exchange" but crazier(?)
Some Random Lunalight Cards Support
[QCAC] OCG Times - New Alternate Art for "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" and "Sky Striker"
How does one do a building of this
How do you get this Lr Trunks?