How to build tracks Easy
Box with big ramp = ez collection of salvage lol
FICSIT Factory Cart from Satisfactory
Nabbed the dragon jet early, Now to figure how to get it safely down
New Donk
Gator Lifter in action
Possible Early Game Scrap Walker Design
Froggit bus Mk2
Eerrrmmmmm... Helicopter engines don't need fuel sooooooooo... nice :D
Revisiting the old Campaign and made this Gator Jaws lifter for big and explosive salvage
my tier list
That's actually it.
that feeling of playing survival for the first time
Since these parts have an accurate hitbox I thought about making DONK wheels with them
Limo Donk Terratrain
Guys, why do I need a controller?
Monster truck wheel Fabricator unlocked
I tried to build cool 1930´s-40´s car.
who want's a 5th ep of scrap mechanic nanigans (i'm an animator we need ideas and others talented pepole)
is that a uhh.. IS THAT A DRAGON
Tried to do a screw driven vehicle for my bus. it didnt go well
What do you guys think of the hover car I made?
Is the new campaign going to ever be a sandbox map?
Me building shit like this. Flying truck :D