My mom threw away the covers of my books because she thinks they look better without them
gobjin pls fix. honestly they should just remove the tire modification if there is no point to it
PDM partner program termination
Is this worth the buy ?
How m i supposed to drop nukes above 10.7?
Cannot negotiate with Openreach, England
Getting electrics to the shed
To those who don’t believe GPU prices are out of control. This was the best GPU you could get from AMD in 2015. Comparable to the GTX 780 Ti or GTX 980
This game needs hauling/storage rethink
Hyper X Cloud III Pads
How precisely does an airdrop fall, relative to where you launch the flare? [Discussion]
Ee-yikes :(
Is there a way to stop items falling out of group loaded drop pods when re-loading them
I own a Obj. 279 coupon for years now! Call me a muppet, but I've got no idea what to do with it. UFO looks great in jet black (with a complimentary tree on top), but the sheer amount of money is tempting too. What would you do with the coupon?
Insurance asking for pictures of car?
Should I get rid of conventional boiler over combi
brand new to the game, second "run" first ended in disease deaths. this one was going same way. down to one person and i was attacked by an enemy then before i bled out this guy Tho showed up and saved me is this a thing or some random insane luck?
Scrolling Wallpaper on the Galaxy A52
I need 4 tyres and your advice please
My friend keeps building walls with steel.
What's one vehicle you thought was pretty good but hate now that you unlocked it
How to correct hunger rate?
Gunsmith - Part 14 not working. Why? [Video]
How much do you spend on fuel a month?
This is all fine