Who would win? Hellbat or the best trio(Deadpool, wolverine, ghost rider)
How many hishaku members are getting an enchanted blade ?
What is the best shot in all of anime?
4 VS 4
Which team wins? Rank them from strongest to weakest.
Who wins and what diff?
Prime WB beats Kaido, what's the diff ?
Can I use a PS5 account on PC?
Your main and the matchup you dread playing against?
What is your favorite thing to do as jeff?
I made a Loki playlist to listen to while playing.
mineta won. Universally despised side character?
Gonna need War Machine added as a flying vanguard with a team up of him combining with Iron Man’s ult (like Storm and Human Torch ult team up).
What's the most dangerous character if they're in the right hands?
Take a character from the current roster and add two similar movesets but specialized for the roles the original doesn't cover. Something like this:
My Punisher's angle got stuck from zipeline somehow and I thought it looked funny.
What diff is Prime Garp vs Shamrock?
What's the most terrifying ult to hear?
Who wins?
Give me any take, and I'll try to disprove it.
Gorosei vs Fan Gorosei
Squad vs Admirals. Who wins? What diff?
Looking for tips on Thor
I’d love to see a team up between these 3 next season